Hi, my name is Jolan and this is my personal website. I’m a thirty seven year old guy living in northern Illinois and I’ve decided to craft a homepage again. I live with my lovely fiancĂ©e and daughter on five acres and help take care of two horses, two ponies, three cats, and a dog.
I grew up with a Commodore 64 in the house and was “online” at an early age from Quantum Link to local BBSes to AOL/Prodigy to the early days of the Internet via regional ISPs. I was also lucky enough to have Walnut Creek CDROM subscriptions to FreeBSD and Slackware in my formative years which helped me learn and appreciate Unix-like systems. I ended up becoming an active OpenBSD developer for eight years until I started wanting to use unsupported hardware like dedicated GPUs. I’ve managed to turn my life long passion for system administration and programming into a fulfilling career.
This site is generated by Hugo using the Ananke theme and served by Caddy.
Feel free to contact me by email, my address is my first name at this domain.